Rendezvous with the Resistance - MoHAA

How To Get To The Resistance Safehouse?

    You're at mission four (Behind Enemy Lines), level one.

    You have already located the downed G3 pilot, killed every enemy on your way, gone through the uphill battle and cleared out the church from all Germans.   Now you must escort the pilot to the Maquis hideout but you just can't find the place.

    My piece of advice: read only the hint below and don't look at the pictures; then try to find your way.  If you still can't make it, then come back and read the answer.  It's more rewarding when we find the answer by ourself.

  The Smart Hint  

    "To find the secret door/path to the safehouse (the Maquis hideout), go inside the church. Go to the first (front row) set of pews, on the right, crouch and pray.  You should then see the secret doorway"

    Note: This tip was taken from a message written by Tretch Axebiter, from EA forum.  I just made a minor edit to make it less of a spoiler.

  The Answer  

1.  What you must do is: enter the church, go to the altar, at the end, look to the right side of it and search for a red flashing button (pic. 1).
2.  If you're crouched, it may be easier to find it.  Use this button and the altar will move, uncovering a secret entrance on the floor, right below the altar (pic. 2).  Just climb down the ladder.

Obs.: There are no cheated screenshots illustrating this text, only real screenshots.

  Hope It Helped !!
Version 1.00 posted on February 23rd 2002
(V.1.01 from April 26th, 2002)

All rights reserved. © 2002 by André Viol.